馬太福音 10:31
Matthew 10:31
So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
- Dec 11 Sun 2011 23:30
馬太福音 10:31 所以不要懼怕.你們比許多麻雀還貴重。
- Dec 11 Sun 2011 23:28
詩篇 56:3 我懼怕的時候要倚靠你。
詩篇 56:3
Psalms 56:3
When I am afraid, I will trust in you.
- Dec 11 Sun 2011 23:25
利未記 19:18 不可報仇、也不可埋怨你本國的子民、卻要愛人如己.我是耶和華。
利未記 19:18
Leviticus 19:18
" 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
- Dec 10 Sat 2011 23:27
以賽亞書 53:5 那知他為我們的過犯受害、為我們的罪孽壓傷.因他受的刑罰我們得平安.因他受的鞭傷我們得醫治。
以賽亞書 53:5
Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
- Dec 09 Fri 2011 23:14
馬太福音 11:30 因為我的軛是容易的、我的擔子是輕省的。
馬太福音 11:30
Matthew 11:30
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
- Dec 08 Thu 2011 23:23
詩篇 81:6 神說、我使你的肩得脫重擔、你的手放下筐子。
詩篇 81:6
Psalms 81:6
He says, "I removed the burden from their shoulders; their hands were set free from the basket.
- Dec 07 Wed 2011 22:26
彼得前書 5:7 你們要將一切的憂慮卸給 神、因為他顧念你們。
彼得前書 5:7
你們要將一切的憂慮卸給 神、因為他顧念你們。
1 Peter 5:7
casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
- Dec 06 Tue 2011 22:57
詩篇 91:16 我要使他足享長壽、將我的救恩顯明給他。
詩篇 91:16
Psalms 91:16
With long life will I satisfy him, And show him my salvation.
- Dec 04 Sun 2011 23:45
詩篇 71:1 耶和華阿、我投靠你.求你叫我永不羞愧。
詩篇 71:1
Psalms 71:1
In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame.
- Dec 04 Sun 2011 23:35
詩篇 27:7 耶和華啊,我用聲音呼籲的時候,求你垂聽;並求你憐恤我,應允我。
詩篇 27:7
Psalms 27:7
Hear, O Jehovah, when I cry with my voice: Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
- Dec 04 Sun 2011 23:21
彼得前書 5:7 你們要將一切的憂慮卸給 神、因為他顧念你們。
彼得前書 5:7
你們要將一切的憂慮卸給 神、因為他顧念你們。
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
- Dec 03 Sat 2011 23:31
路加福音 8:50 耶穌聽見就對他說、不要怕、只要信、你的女兒就必得救。
路加福音 8:50
Luke 8:50
Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed."
- Dec 03 Sat 2011 23:14
詩篇 103:3 他赦免你的一切罪孽,醫治你的一切疾病。
詩篇 103:3
Psalms 103:3
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases;
- Dec 03 Sat 2011 22:41
路加福音 8:2 還有被惡鬼所附、被疾病所累、已經治好的幾個婦女、內中有稱為抹大拉的馬利亞、曾有七個鬼從他身上趕出來.
路加福音 8:2
Luke 8:2
and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out,
- Dec 02 Fri 2011 23:52
創世紀 50:20 從前你們的意思是要害我,但神的意思原是好的,要保全許多人的性命,成就今日的光景。
創世紀 50:20
Genesis 50:20
And as for you, ye meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
- Dec 02 Fri 2011 22:35
民數記 4:41 摩西說:你們為何違背耶和華的命令呢?這事不能順利了。
民數記 4:41
Numbers 4:41
And Moses said, Wherefore now do ye transgress the commandment of Jehovah, seeing it shall not prosper?
- Dec 01 Thu 2011 23:18
箴言 3:5 你要專心仰賴耶和華、不可倚靠自己的聰明.
箴言 3:5
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.
- Nov 30 Wed 2011 23:59
創世紀 27:34 以掃聽了他父親的話,就放聲痛哭,說:「我父啊,求你也為我祝福!」
創世紀 27:34
Genesis 27:34
When Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with an exceeding great and bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even me also, O my father.
- Nov 29 Tue 2011 23:47
申命記 12:20 耶和華你的 神照他所應許、擴張你境界的時候、你心裡想要喫肉、說、我要喫肉、就可以隨心所欲的喫肉。
申命記 12:20
耶和華你的 神照他所應許、擴張你境界的時候、你心裡想要喫肉、說、我要喫肉、就可以隨心所欲的喫肉。
Deuteronomy 12:20
When the LORD your God has enlarged your territory as he promised you, and you crave meat and say, "I would like some meat," then you may eat as much of it as you want.
- Nov 28 Mon 2011 23:25
詩篇 8:4 便說、人算甚麼、你竟顧念他.世人算甚麼、你竟眷顧他。
詩篇 8:4
Psalms 8:4
what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
- Nov 27 Sun 2011 00:11
民數記 14:8 耶和華若喜悅我們,就必將我們領進那地,把地賜給我們;那地原是流奶與蜜之地.
民數記 14:8
Numbers 14:8
If Jehovah delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it unto us; a land which floweth with milk and honey.
- Nov 26 Sat 2011 17:44
箴言 12:22 說謊言的嘴為耶和華所憎惡;行事誠實的,為他所喜悅。
箴言 12:22
Proverbs 12:22
Lying lips are an abomination to Jehovah; But they that deal truly are his deligh