
目前分類:曠野 (4)

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申命記 29:5

Deuteronomy 29:5
I have led you forty years in the wilderness; your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandal has not worn out on your foot.

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以賽亞書 43:19

Isaiah 43:19
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

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申命記 1:31
你們在曠野所行的路上、也曾見耶和華你們的 神、撫養你們、如同人撫養兒子一般、直等你們來到這地方。

Deuteronomy 1:31
and in the desert. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place."

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詩篇 106:9

Psalms 106:9
Thus He rebuked the Red Sea and it dried up, And He led them through the deeps, as through the wilderness.

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