
傳道書 5:19
神賜人貲財豐富、使他能以喫用、能取自己的分、在他勞碌中喜樂.這乃是 神的恩賜。

Ecclesiastes 5:19
Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.

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詩篇 147:14

Psalms 147:14
He makes peace in your borders; He satisfies you with the finest of the wheat.

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耶利米書 29:5
你們要蓋造房屋住在其中、栽種田園喫其中所產的 。

Jeremiah 29:5
Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce.

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詩篇 62:10

Psalms 62:10
Do not trust in extortion or take pride in stolen goods; though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.

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帖撒羅尼迦後書 3:16

2 Thessalonians 3:16
Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance The Lord be with you .

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箴言 15:16

Proverbs 15:16
Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.

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腓立比書 4:6
應當一無罣慮、只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求、和感謝、將你們所要的告訴 神。

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

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哥林多後書 9:15
感謝 神、因他有說不盡的恩賜。

2 Corinthians 9:15
Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

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創世紀 43:23
家宰說、你們可以放心、不要害怕、是你們的 神、和你們父親的 神、賜給你們財寶在你們的口袋裡.你們的銀子我早已收了.他就把西緬帶出來交給他們。

Genesis 43:23
"It's all right," he said. "Don't be afraid. Your God, the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks; I received your silver." Then he brought Simeon out to them.

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歌羅西書 4:2

Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.

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羅馬書 12:12

Romans 14:23
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

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撒母耳記下 22:33

2 Samuel 22:33
God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.

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民數記 6:26

Numbers 6:26
The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you;

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路加福音 2:40
孩子漸漸長大、強健起來、充滿智慧.又有 神的恩在他身上。

Luke 2:40
The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.

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使徒行傳 13:30

Acts 13:30
"But God raised Him from the dead;

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詩篇 75:10

Psalms 75:10
I will cut off the horns of all the wicked, but the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.

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腓利比書 4:19
我的 神必照他榮耀的豐富、在基督耶穌裡、使你們一切所需用的都充足.
Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

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箴言 23:25

Proverbs 23:25
May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice.

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箴言 15:30

Proverbs 15:30
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

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詩篇 10:13
惡人為何輕慢 神、心裡說、你必不追究。

Psalms 143:1
Why does the wicked man revile God? Why does he say to himself, "He won't call me to account"?.

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使徒行傳 3:9
百姓都看見他行走、讚美 神.

Acts 3:9
And all the people saw him walking and praising God.

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帖撒羅尼迦後書 3:3

2 Thessalonians 3:3
But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.

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